
I am a social bug! A BBQ, a campfire, a good glass of wine, friends and a good mood and the bug that I am feels at its best! I am also a big fan of the performing arts, summer festivals and small intimate shows in the winter.
mille et un talons - Sandie

Les Mille et un talons et un chiffon

I love fashion! In addition to having worked there before, I love Manon’s boutique, always smiling, ultra comfortable shoes and clothes that you can’t find anywhere else.

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taj mahal - Sandie

Taj Mahal Restaurant

Simply because it’s so good and authentic. It’s a trip for the taste buds! The explorer in me is fulfilled with each visit.

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Librairie Poirier

I am a literature lover, particularly Quebec’s literature. But I will try every good suggestion from my favorite booksellers. I read at least 15 books a year.

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Francis Brisson - Sandie

La Maison de la culture Francis-Brisson

This unique performance hall has exceptional acoustics! This is where the music becomes magic.

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