Événement unique le 2 septembre 2023 de 11:00 à 16:30.
Activities in french
In collaboration with Wapikoni mobile, a mobile audiovisual and musical training and creation studio dedicated to young of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, and the Musée des Abénakis, we invite you to a day of activities and discoveries of the cultural richness of the First Nations at the Shewenegan picnic area in La Mauricie National Park, with Kim Arsenault, the ambassador on hand to lead the screenings and activities. Please note that in order to take part in the various activities, you must be present at the start of each one!
The Musée des Abénakis will be offering two activities designed for a maximum of 30 people, so those interested are invited to arrive early for the activity. First-come, first-served!
Fro the detled schedule, click here.
Location: Shewenegan pcnic area