Cobalt Quartet – Show – Music

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Événement unique le 6 novembre 2022 de 16:00 à 16:00.

Celebrating Hollywood
The Cobalt Quartet presents an original program with music from cult films and themes from musicals. Ranging from black and white to color, and from pantomime to major Hollywood productions; the sound images of mythical themes revisited for string quartet will not be lacking. Between passion, nostalgia, wonder and imaginary journey, you will be charmed by the discovery of a vibrant sound universe where the music will make you relive the most beautiful moments of cinema. 
Coût : 32,50 $
Catégories :  Culture
15, av. de Grand-Mère
Québec, G9T 2G1

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@ Shawinigan Tourism  2024 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit