Fiesta break-November – SANA

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ÉvĂ©nement unique le 10 novembre 2023 de 19:30 Ă  19:30.

In order to close the Quebec Week of Intercultural Meetings in style, SANA is prescribing its NOVEMBER BREAK: a big joyful, unifying and dancing fiesta aimed at brightening up your month of November.

For this second edition, đ—čâ€™đ—”đ—™đ—„đ—œđ—€đ—šđ—˜ is in the spotlight! In a festive atmosphere inspired by several countries on the African continent, come and enjoy the rhythms of Algerian rai, reggae, soukouss, afro-groove and the greatest hits from North Africa. Our double program will begin with the music of Karim CissĂ© and his musicians which will be followed by the AfirkA Band then by DJ King Mervine who will have you dancing at the end of the evening.

To buy your ticket, click here.

CoĂ»t : 20,00 $
CatĂ©gories :  Culture
15, av. de Grand-MĂšre
Québec, G9T 2G1

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