Fredz – Song

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Événement unique le 26 mai 2023 de 20:00 à 20:00.


Standing Formula – General Admission
A real rap phenomenon for a few months on social networks, Fredz smashed many records even before the release of his album in March 2022. Beyond his undeniable talent or his fair and melodious words, 19-year-old Fredz, seems to have quickly gained the respect of the rap community in Quebec and abroad. Armed sometimes with just a simple ukulele as a backdrop, he has been able to charm a growing audience with weekly videos in which he presents only small excerpts of songs in the form of a freestyle. While he already has more than 200,000 subscribers on social networks, Fredz gives life to a first single entitled “A what it seems” in October 2021 which will be seen a few million times in just a few days.

Coût : 27,50 $
Catégories :  Culture
15, av. de Grand-Mère
Québec, G9T 2G1

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