Les Grands Hurleurs – Show – Music

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Événement unique le 18 novembre 2022 de 20:00 à 20:00.

The band Les Grands Hurleurs, now composed of 4 musicians including renowned artist Nicolas Pellerin, offers traditional music open to the world and accessible. The quartet modernizes the traditional Quebec repertoire by integrating rich string arrangements and exploded atmospheres. With the integration of folk, classical, bluegrass influences, the band surprises and touches people! Discover a refined musical performance close to acoustic instruments with this formation that won three Félix awards in their career!
Coût : 32,50 $
Catégories :  Culture
15, av. de Grand-Mère
Québec, G9T 2G1

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@ Shawinigan Tourism  2024 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit