Les voisinades – Sana Shawinigan

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Événement unique le 21 mai 2023 de 11:30 à 16:30.

As part of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, the Welcome Service for Newcomers (SANA) invites you to participate in its new project Les Voisinades! These are neighborhood parties initiated and supported by the SANA. The goal is to fully involve residents and newcomers in the collective life of Shawinigan and to enable them to integrate into their host community. Sharing moments of pleasure allows citizens to recognize common values and to weave cultural communities together.
Citizens present will have the chance to meet newcomers who will act as a “book” to initiate a dialogue highlighting their life story. More details to come.

Three places in Shawinigan of your choice: the parc de la Rivière-Grand-Mère, the place des Canotiers and the parc Boisvert.

Welcome everyone to one of these three gatherings.

For more information, click here.
Coût : Free
Catégories :  Culture
550, Hôtel-de-Ville Avenue
Québec, G9N 6V3

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@ Shawinigan Tourism  2025 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit