Meet Santa – Plaza-de-la-Mauricie

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Cet événement est récurrent (variable).
Du 2 décembre 2023 au 23 décembre 2023.

Récurrence Événement récurrent

Come and meet Santa Claus who will be waiting for all the children at the Plaza-de-la-Mauricie.

This year, Santa Claus has teamed up with the Quebec company Gladius to create a unique game, inspired by life at the North Pole, which he will give as a gift to all the children who visit!

During the meeting with Santa Claus, photos will be taken on a self-service basis, using your phone or your personal camera.

If you want to witness the arrival of Santa Claus, be there on December 2 at 10 a.m. and he will be present that day from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. then from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Take advantage of the opportunity to hunt down naughty elves. More information here.

Catégories :  Culture
3103, boul. Royal
G9N 7C1

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