SANA’s Festive lunch

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Événement unique le 16 décembre 2023 de 11:00 à 15:00.

SANA Shawinigan invites all Shawiniganais (longstanding and newcomers) to a festive and family dinner, which will take place in the form of a potluck, Saturday December 16th in their offices! Participants are invited to stay after dinner to play board games together (you can bring your favorite games!).

Each family/couple/participant is invited to bring a dish to share that represents a tradition or is normally cooked during a celebration in their country of origin. This dish should not require cooking on site, so it must be able to be served cold or reheated quickly in a microwave. You can bring a starter, main meal or dessert. SANA will provide the drinks, but you can also bring a drink in addition to your dish.

Registration required :

Lieu :  SANA
Coût : Free
Catégories :  Culture, Gastronomy
747 5e rue de la Pointe
QC, G9N 1G2

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@ Shawinigan Tourism  2025 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit