Scarecrow Festival – Labyrinthe Coureur des bois

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Cet événement est récurrent (variable).
Du 14 octobre 2023 au 21 octobre 2023.

Récurrence Événement récurrent

Are you up for a scarecrow festival? If the answer is yes, head to the Labyrinth runner of the woods!

Saturday October 14
Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., create your own scarecrow!
Exhibition of scarecrows all week at the garden center. All week long, you can come and vote for the most creative scarecrow.
Saturday October 21
12 p.m., the quest for the scarecrow in the maze will begin!
1 p.m., the gold, silver and bronze prizes will be awarded.
You can end your day by enjoying the trails behind the Labyrinth, a perfect activity for fall!
Autumn menu specially prepared for the festival.

1320, ch. St-Joseph
G0X 1N0

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