Yves Bolduc


I’m a sociable and sportive person. I love to practice different sports and I share my passion with kids through my job as a school daycare educator.
rang st-michel - Yves

Rang Saint-Michel

I’m someone who likes to walk and I do it often. I love walking down this route which allows me to find peace and quiet while admiring magnificent landscapes.

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Go Sport

I love going to this store because I can find all my favorite sports items.

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st-hubert - Yves

Rôtisserie St-Hubert

I love going to this restaurant for the atmosphere and the wonderful welcome.

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cascades shawinigan - Yves

Les Cataractes et les Cascades

I enjoy going to a Cataracts and Cascades game because it’s precious time spent with my family.

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série du diable - Yves

Série du diable

I’m a runner and I love taking part in running events such as the Série du diable on the Promenade du Saint-Maurice.

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