Léonidas Kouris


I am an athlete who loves meeting new people! I love all outdoor activities and have a fondness for all sweet delights!
Chocolato - Léonidas


To satisfy my sweet tooth, it is at Chocolato that I am satisfied!

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Parc saint-maurice - Eugénie

Parc Saint-Maurice

My favorite park is undoubtedly Saint-Maurice Park, whether it’s in the winter or during the summer.

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Outdoor skating rinks

I like the outdoor skating rinks in Shawi, but especially the one on 3e rue de la Pointe where you can always find someone to play hockey with.

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You, the culture lover who likes to get some action with your family, and chose to come in Shawinigan for a few days: GOOD PICK! Let me be your personal guide and suggest my favorites in order to make your stay memorable.

Take a look at our culture favorites with family

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