
Outdoor enthusiast, I like to enjoy Shawi whether on land or on water, by bike, on foot or on my paddle. I love meeting friends around a good meal outdoors or at a restaurant.
Trou du diable salon wabasso - Marie-Noël

Trou du diable – Salon Wabasso

I love going there to enjoy some shows. It’s intimate and the atmosphere is unique. I also take pleasure in finding good beers and local products at the shop located beside the salon.

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julie à vélo - Josette

Shawinigan River / Vallée-du-Parc / Chemin des Pommiers bike loop

This loop is perfect for a short ride: it’s accessible, there’s close to no traffic and the scenery is beautiful.

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kayak rivière saint-maurice - Marie-Noël

Saint-Maurice River

Whether it’s from the municipal dock behind Broadway Avenue or in the Beaurivage sector, it’s a great place to enjoy the water. There are even some small islands and sandy beaches to take a break!

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ma poissonnerie marché public - Marie-Noël

M.A. Poissonnerie et Compagnie

Although I eat very little fish and seafood, I have to put the lobster roll from this fish shop, served on brioche bread, in my favorites. And the tataki duo too! In addition to offering a fine selection of prepared meals, they offer good service and good advice.

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rando parce de la rivière shawi - Marie-Noël

Parc de la Rivière Shawinigan

Close to my home, I love going there for a walk. Nature in the city!

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