Cedric Dind-Lavoie – Show – Music

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Événement unique le 24 mars 2024 de 16:00 à 16:00.


Archives is the project of multi-instrumentalist, composer and director Cédric Dind-Lavoie. A strong work that combines folklore with ambient and introspective music with a resolutely modern and intimate approach. The trained double bassist humbly reappropriates old treasures found through passionate research, an anthology of songs and instrumental tunes from the 40s and 50s taken from the collections of folklorists Simonne Voyer, Roger Matton and Luc Lacourcière in particular.

A bright haven that evokes the intimacy of a home.

Coût : 32,00 $
Catégories :  Culture
15, av. de Grand-Mère
Québec, G9T 2G1

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@ Shawinigan Tourism  2024 - All rights reserved   //  Website development: Turbulences // Photo credit