Folium exhibition – mosaic

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Cet événement est récurrent (variable).
Du 2 juin 2023 au 1 janvier 1970.

Récurrence Événement récurrent

Folium, the madness of leaves is an exploratory exhibition on the theme of leaves. In this exhibition, the artist wanted to make a synthesis of the mosaic techniques she learned during her last trainings. The sheet turned out to be an ideal playground to explore since it comes in many forms and in particular allows you to play with lines.

With materials such as ceramics, smalti, glass, marble, wood, it offers an exhibition of exploded mosaics in harmony with the season.

Mélanie Beauchamp lives and works in Shawinigan. After studying art history, she took the path of creation. Practicing mosaic for more than ten years, she mainly creates abstract mosaics. In 2023, she received the Création en Métiers d’art prize at the Arts Excellence de Culture Mauricie awards ceremony.

Coût : Free
Catégories :  Culture
647, 5 Rue de la Pointe

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