Katy Chan performing – Factrie 701

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Événement unique le 1 septembre 2023 de 17:00 à 19:00.

Katy Chan is of Chilean origin. Since her earliest childhood she has been dedicated to the art of music, studying it in colleges and having also inherited the rhythms of South America from her mother. She was for 20 years a renowned tango singer in her country, recording albums and participating in various projects and collaborations with artists of the genre. In Mexico (where she lives today), she has found refuge in Latin American music for the past four years, learning traditional songs from Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, Cuba, etc. which are now part of the repertoire it presents in Canada.

Member price: $15

Lieu :  Zélé
Coût : 20,00 $
Catégories :  Culture
3230, ch. de Sainte-Flore
G9T 1A3

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