  • Every Shawiniganais will tell you that the Zélé is one of the most weel-kept secret of the epicureans.


  • Built in 1900 in Ste-Flore’s former general market, this restaurant will charm you with its unique character, its warm service and its impressive blackboard menu made of seasonal regional products.


  • The staff will explain the menu with details and precision to help you make a really difficult choice. My mouth is watering before the culinary experience has even started!


  • In addition to the impeccable service, the Zélé can boast of having two toques in Gault et Millau. Everything is perfect down to the smallest detail, from the incredible marriage of flavors to the proposed food and wine pairings, to the charming, mismatched dishes and the impeccable presentation!

j'adore ça !!!

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